Since its founding in 2005, Maui Preparatory Academy has become a premier college preparatory school in West Maui, providing a dynamic learning environment for a culturally, ethnically, and socio-economically diverse population.
With strong support from our community, our Pueo soar— by creating and maintaining lasting relationships, opening their minds and hearts to feel empowered, and embracing relevance through educational opportunities and extracurricular activities.
However, our human capital is not our only asset. The school is committed to properly maintaining and upgrading its buildings, appliances, technology, and safety and communication tools.
As an independent school, Maui Prep relies on financial support, in the form of grants, private donations, fundraising and the annual 'Imi Ola Fund, to benefit its people and programs.
It's Pickleball Time!
Join us for an afternoon of pickleball on Saturday, March 29 at 3pm at the Kapalua Tennis Garden!
Make checks payable to Maui Preparatory Academy (note the designation in the memo line)
Deliver or Mail to: 4910 Honoapi'ilani Hwy Lahaina, HI 96761
Investing Your Gift
Unrestricted gifts allow Maui Prep to immediately invest your gift into one of six areas:
Financial Aid
43% of students receive some form of tuition assistance
Classrooms & Teachers
Professional enrichment for teachers and administration School supplies for Kindergarten to 5th grade CPR training for faculty and staff Enhanced preschool to 12th grade curriculum
Facility Maintenance and Improvement
Campus security Health and safety inspections HVAC tuning and replacement Grounds enhancements Interior classroom updates
Game day & state championships travel Access to Athletic Training & PE Sports equipment Game replay & statistics software Dedicated and experienced coaches
Academic Excellence
Musical instruments Production licensing Costume, set, and props materials Art supplies May Day and Arts Night support
1:1 college counseling Resources for Graham Center for Creativity, Innovation & Entrepreneurship Resources for Narayan Design Lab Academic support and paraprofessionals Access to AP classes Hawaiian Studies
Impact Report
List of 4 items.
A Brighter Tomorrow
From serving as an evacuation shelter, to a supply distribution hub, to maximizing its student enrollment capacity, Maui Prep was quick to respond to our community needs.
The Sponsor-a-Student and Disaster Relief funds continue to support affected students and the school’s increased variable expenses that accompanied the rapid rise in enrollment.
By the Numbers
140 new students post-fire
40% enrollment increase
75% current students supported with tuition assistance
Attending Maui Prep after the fire was not meant to be a one year experience. Maui Prep actively seeks to provide the necessary financial aid (to those who qualify) so that they may stay at the school until their graduation!
Mental Health Support
With a grant from Brother's Brother Foundation, Maui Prep was able to secure a Licensed Clinical Social Worker who worked with students, faculty, and parents.
Assistance Dogs of Hawaii regularly visited campus with their service dogs and Principal Ryan Kirkham adopted "Hope," a service dog-in-training that has become a campus fixture.
Healing Through Arts
From the April 2024 edition of Wingspan Magazine
Maui Prep educators Nadine Lloyd and Jessica Lucia could hardly hold back the emotion as they stood in a gallery in Jackson Hole’s National Museum of Wildlife Art.
This article appeared in the April 2024 edition of Wingspan Magazine
If one were to list the top components needed for a swim team to compete for (let alone win) a league team championship, it would mostly be human capital. Assemble strong athletes ripe with talent, able to manage their own expectations, and exhibit grit, resilience, and commitment.
Appreciated securities held for more than one year are a tax-wise opportunity for supporting Maui Prep. In return, you will avoid tax on the capital gain and receive a charitable deduction on your income taxes. If you would like to transfer securities to Maui Prep, contact the Office of Institutional Advancement at (808) 665-9966, ext. 307 or
Gifts to Maui Preparatory Academy can be made in honor or in memory of an individual such as a teacher, a family member, or a classmate. These gifts will be appropriately recognized in our ‘Ohana Giving Report and the honoree or their family will be informed. If you would like to make a tribute gift, please include a note with your donation.
Your impact could be doubled or tripled! Many companies show their support of independent schools by matching the gifts that their employees or retirees make to schools such as Maui Prep. To find out if your company has a matching gift policy, please check with your human resources department. Please inform Maui Prep of your matching intentions when you submit your gift.
We all hope to leave something extraordinary as our legacy, to feel that our lives had an impact, and our actions made a positive difference in our world. A Planned Gift to Maui Preparatory Academy will secure your legacy and ensure future educational opportunities for students in West Maui for generations to come. It’s easy to plan now for future gifts. Planned Giving Options may include arrangements to leave a bequest in your will or designate Maui Prep as a beneficiary of your retirement account, life insurance or charitable trust.
Planned Giving Benefits:
Easy to modify at any time.
Retain control of assets throughout your lifetime.
Enjoy an estate tax reduction easing your tax burden.
Know your gift will help future generations of students and families.
Make a lasting impact on Maui Prep for tomorrow through Planned Giving today.
In addition to the many ways to give outlined in this section, Maui Preparatory Academy accepts donations in the form of Other Assets. These can include gifts of closely held stock, tangible personal property related to Maui Preparatory Academy’s educational purpose, or real estate. For more information, please contact the Office of Institutional Advancement at (808) 665-9966, ext. 307 or
For information about giving via a wire transfer, please contact the Office of Institutional Advancement at (808) 665-9966, ext. 307 or