Student Life

Parent Volunteer Resources

Booster Club

The Booster Club is a parent-led organization that supports Maui Prep Athletics and Performing Arts by raising funds, organizing and providing parent volunteer support, and boosting enthusiasm for Athletics and
Performing Arts for students in all grades!

Ways to pitch in!
Volunteer at the Snack Shack/Concession Stand
  • During school hours at the weekly Friday assembly
  • Afternoon/evening hours during sporting events or performances
Volunteer as Team Parent for a Pueo athletic team
  • Decorate athletes’ lockers and make senior posters
  • Provide snacks or pre- or post-competition meals for athletes
  • Assist with athlete recognition at Friday assembly
  • Assist with hosting visiting teams for multi-day events
Volunteer for Performing Arts
  • Help with costumes/props/sets for theater productions
  • Hang flyers around town for theater productions
  • Assist with Tech Week meals
Volunteer as an Event Photographer
  • Capture our kids in action at sporting events, performances, or concerts


PTSO (Parent Teacher Student 'Ohana)

What is the PTSO?

The PTSO is a parent-led organization that supports Maui Prep's teachers, students and their 'ohana by enriching the lives and education of the children of Maui Preparatory Academy and serves the school by supporting its mission, programs and activities. 

What does the PTSO do?

The objectives of the PTSO are:
  • To encourage parent involvement
  • To build positive school spirit
  • To help with special classroom and administrative needs on a volunteer basis
  • To raise funds in conjunction with school-wide development policies and programs

Who is a member of the PTSO?

All parents and legal guardians of children attending Maui Preparatory Academy are members of the PTSO in addition to all faculty and staff of Maui Prep.

Ways to pitch in!

  • Attend monthly PTSO meetings to learn about school events, upcoming volunteer opportunities, hear from administration and other departments, and connect with Maui Prep parents.
  • Volunteer at PTSO events such as Lower School Dances, Reading Nights, or decorate the school for different occasions and Teacher Appreciation Week.
  • Support the PTSO by advertising in our annual school directory, donating gently used uniforms, wishing your child a Happy Birthday on the marquee, and taking part in our Keep the Change fundraiser. 

Ways the PTSO gives back!

The PTSO gives monetarily to the teachers and faculty in the form of grants each year as well as an annual senior scholarship. The PTSO coordinates events for students throughout the year and a week-long celebration for our teachers during Teacher Appreciation Week.

The PTSO usually meets the first Tuesday of each month at 8:30 am behind the Otto Administration Building.


Maui Preparatory Academy is a preschool through 12th grade private school located in West Maui. 
© Maui Preparatory Academy. All Rights Reserved